Saturday, September 21, 2013

When in Doubt, Change Your Tune

I'm much more successful at finding information South American chickens online when I change my browser language settings from English to Spanish.  (We won't talk about how long that took me to figure out!)

How to Change Your Settings in Google Chrome

Since it took me two years to discover this trick I'm going to break it way down so that when I forget it won't take me another two years to remember. :)

Step 1 Click on the Chrome Settings icon in your browser toolbar

Step 2 Scroll down to the Languages section and click on "Language and input settings"

Step 3 Click on "Add"

 Step 4 Scroll down to "Spanish - Latin America"

Step 5 "Spanish - Latin America" and "Spanish" will get added to your list of languages. You have to drag them to the top for the search engine to prioritize sites written in Spanish.

Step 6 Click "Done" in the lower right corner and close the settings window.