The Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hens (the Willas) are enjoying some time in the Rest & Respite Free Range flock. They seem to be quite happy so I'm going to hold off on segregating them with the purebred Blue Wheaten Ameraucana rooster (Will).
The Rest & Respite Flock protector, "Young Professor", is a purebred (but a non-standard color) Ameraucana with a pleasant temperament and excellent gentlemanly manners. He is much more consistent with the demeanor I need for my flock. Both his father and grandfather were superior flock protectors who the girls would rather follow than hide from.
My best guess-timate is that Young Professor is genetically a blue partridge/brown with multiple melanizing forces. Based on my genetics calculator tinkering I suspect the offspring will appear to be wheaten. The blue genetics mean there could be blue, black, or splash feathering. (genetic code calculation)
The Rest and Respite Flock, June 2013