For complicated and situationally irrelevant reasons I have LOTS of plastic water jugs at my disposal. These came in handy last winter when the water lines froze. I would fill 10 jugs with hot water and haul them out to the barnyard to thaw out waterers. Thank heavens that only went on for a week.... (It was a long week though.)

But then, it happened. It started snowing and by nightfall we had several inches. By morning we had over a foot and it just kept coming down, a cold and windy white out, all through the day and into the next night. Schools closed, stores closed, roads closed, even the state closed.
Everyone in town was stuck in town; everyone in the country was stuck in the country. By then the birds had been cooped up for nearly 36 hours. There was no way around it; I had to dig out the coops and get everyone fed and watered. That's about BeakHouse coops & SparkyCrows houses spread across about 2 acres.